Adam Fuss
Adam is an English photographer and made his first photogram in 1986. His work gives the feel of showing energy and feeling rather than just an object or image, which are based around the themes of life and death.
The fact of his photograms not just showing an objects caught my eye and made me think about the piece, which had me thinking up my own story behind the photogram. My favourite piece by Adam is 'invocation', the piece below, showing a baby. I really like this one specifically as it shows colours of the sun, like the baby has just been born and is opening it's eyes for the first time to see light. I also find it gives a feel of an aura around the person.
Adam made this piece by simply getting a mother to lay their child on a piece of photograph paper, in a tray of shallow water and then flashed a light directly onto it. This created the beautiful rippled texture in the background, which also makes me think of opening your eyes in the light as it resembles the squiggles you get in your sight when looking at the sun for too long.
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