Thursday, 23 January 2014

Paolo Roversi- Photographer

Paolo Roversi

Paolo's work is very elegant. I find his use of dimming colours down and also his use of black and white photography really gives it this feminine and classy feel to it which instantly makes you look as it is very pretty. Paolo felt he had no technique to his work, as he said “My photography is more subtraction than addition. I always try to take off things. We all have a sort of mask of expression. You say goodbye, you smile, you are scared. I try to take all these masks away and little by little subtract until you have something pure left. A kind of abandon, a kind of absence. It looks like an absence, but in fact when there is this emptiness I think the interior beauty comes out. This is my technique.''

I really find that Paolo's use of dimming down the colour tone in the colours makes you focus more onto the detail of the model and what is in the photos. From this I find myself looking at the little thing such as her nose, lips and cheek bones rather than the flamboyant headdress she is wearing.

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