Thursday, 23 January 2014

Ethan Jantzer- Photogram Artist

Goldfish photogram by Ethan Jantzer

Ethan Jantzer

Ethan began taking photography back to its natural roots when in a photo lab he decided to experiment with blank films and lighting, and later on described this work as 'a sun burn on a film' (by pouring liquids such as Windex and Gatorade to create the coloured and vibrant effect). He would make his photograms out of anything that he particularly liked such as fish, grass, leaves and most natural objects.

Ethan's work really caught my eye as he makes such simple shapes look effective and vibrant, making things that we take for granted in every day life stand out and catch our eye.

I also like the use of using a variety of liquids in his photograms, as without the colours, I don't think it would be as pleasing to the eye. These colours make very everyday things stand out from  a crowd and I think this is what I like so much about his work.

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